(Adopted: October 8, 1985; Amended: October 8, 1991, October 9, 1994, September 28, 2001, October 10, 2003, October 6, 2006, October 4, 2012; October 17, 2014)


Article I. Name, Mission, and Purpose

  1. The name of the organization shall be the “North Midwest Section” of the American Society for Engineering Education.
  2. The mission of the Section is “to promote the scholarship of engineering and engineering technology education within the North Midwest Section through fellowship and friendship.”
  3. The purpose of the Section is to:
    1. create a favorable climate for the growth of the educational community – technically, professionally, and socially;
    2. cultivate a kindred spirit among teachers, researchers, administrators, industry practitioners, and government representatives;
    3. promote efforts to acquire increased breadth of outlook and insight into the activities and trends of the Society;
    4. promote collegiality among member institutions;
    5. develop effective teachers, advisors, and administrators;
    6. promoting excellence in instruction, research, public service, and practice;
    7. create and improve instructional materials and methods to enhance student learning and improve teaching.

Article II. Section Membership

  1. Membership within the Section shall be both Institutional and Individual.
  2. Institutional Memberships are identified as: Engineering Institutional Membership, Technology Institutional Membership, and Affiliate Institutional Membership. All Institutional Memberships are defined as an institute of higher learning located within the geographical boundaries of the Section with an academic program in engineering and/or engineering technology.
  3. Engineering Institutional Membership is offered to institutions that have at least one engineering program accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) or the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB).
  4. Technology Institutional Membership is offered to institutions that have at least one engineering technology program accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).
  5. Affiliate Institutional Membership is offered to institutions with engineering or engineering technology programs that are not accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and to institutions that offer accredited or non-accredited Associates degree programs in engineering technology. This includes community colleges and technology schools that wish to become more involved in engineering and engineering technology education.
  6. An Individual Membership is defined a member of the Society whose primary residence is located within the geographical boundaries of the Section.
  7. The Section does not charge dues for either Institutional or Individual Membership.

Article III. Section Officers

  1. The Elected Section Officers consist of the Section Chair, Section Chair Elect, Past Section Chair, Section Secretary/Treasurer, Section Campus Representative, and Section Archivist. Non-Elected Section Officers include the Current Conference Program Chair, the Future Conference Program Chair, and the Past Conference Program Chair.
    1. The Section Chair, Section Chair Elect, and Section Campus Representative shall serve as representatives to the Zone III Council.
    2. The term of all Elected Officers shall be two (2) years. Non-Elected Officers serve three (3) year terms.
    3. Elections for the Section Chair, Section Campus Representative, and Section Archivist shall be held on “even” numbered years. Elections for the Section Chair Elect and the Section Secretary/Treasurer will be held on “odd” numbered years.
  2. The Section Chair assumes the responsibility for the functioning of the Section. The Section Chair shall:
    1. preside at all Business and Executive Committee meetings of the Section;
    2. appoint all standing committees authorized by the Section and ad hoc committees authorized by the members or by the Section Executive Committee and serve as an ex-officio member of all committees;
    3. inform the ASEE Executive Director and the Chair of Zone III of all activities related to the Section;
    4. write letters of appreciation to all Section Officers, with copies to their deans, at the close of their terms of office.
  3. The Section Secretary/Treasurer shall assume the duties of the Section Chair if the Section Chair is not present for a meeting. The Section Secretary/Treasurer shall:
    1. keep all minutes and records of Section activities;
    2. collect all Section income and disburse all monies authorized by Section;
    3. maintain an auditable bank account and financial records;
    4. submit a financial report at the annual meeting of the Section;
    5. within two (2) weeks following the annual meeting of the Section, send the minutes of the Section annual meeting to the Section Archivist;
  4. The Section Campus Representative shall be responsible for:
    1. serving as a focal point for all Section related campus representative activities;
    2. arranging for an annual campus representative meeting to be held at the annual Section Conference;
    3. submit the selection of the Section Outstanding Campus Representative to the Chair of Zone III as a nomination for the Zone III Outstanding Campus Representative;
    4. work with all Campus Representatives within the Section to promote the recruiting and retention of ASEE membership.
  5. The Section Archivist shall be primarily responsible for overseeing the maintenance of the Section website as described in the Archivist Operating Manual.
  6. The Current Conference Program Chair shall be responsible for planning and organizing the annual Section Conference and Section Business Meeting both of which occur during the term of appointment.

Article IV. Section Executive Committee

  1. Members of the Section Executive Committee include all elected and non-elected officers of the Section and one (1) individual member from each of the member institutions, and two (2) representatives from industry.
  2. The Section Chair shall be the Chair of the Section Executive Committee.
  3. The terms of office of the Section Executive Committee shall coincide with the elected or appointed terms of office of the Section Officers.
  4. The Section Executive Committee shall schedule an annual meeting prior to or during the annual North Midwest Section Conference.
  5. The Section Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Section for the purposes of planning and implementing the annual meeting including the expenditure of ASEE allocated funds and processing proposals for discretionary funds.

Article V. Section Committees

  1. The “Committee on Nominations” shall consist of all the Elected and Non-Elected Section Officers.
  2. The “Committee on Resolutions” shall be appointed by the Section Chair on the first day of the annual meeting. The Committee shall consist of at least two (2) individual members from the non-host institution and shall present the resolutions report at the closing session of the annual North Midwest Section Business Meeting.
  3. The “Committee on the Edward P. Mikol Award” for the outstanding paper and presentation at the annual North Midwest Section Conference shall be appointed by the host-institution. This award consists of a $500 cash honorarium and a plaque attesting to the recipient’s selection for this award. Funding for the award is supported by the North Midwest Section BASS funds. All conference papers contained in the conference proceedings and presented at the Section Conference are eligible for this award. The criteria for the award is based on the content of the written paper, the presentation of the paper, and the appropriateness of the content and delivery within the scope of engineering and engineering technology education.
  4. The “Committee on Bylaws” consists of at least three (3) members appointed by the Section Chair. This committee is responsible for periodic review of the bylaws and submitting and presenting proposed changed and amendments to the Section membership at the annual Section Business Meeting.
  5. The “Committee on the Sudhir Mehta Awards” is responsible for selecting an individual for both the ASEE North Midwest Section Sudhir Mehta Award and the ASEE North Midwest Section Sudhir Mehta Award for New Educators. The purpose of the awards is to recognize faculty members who have demonstrated exceptional scholarly contributions to engineering or engineering technology education. The award includes a plaque and a $500 cash honorarium, which will be formally presented at the annual Section Business Meeting. The Chair of the Committee on the Sudhir Mehta Awards shall be the Section Chair with at least three other members who are appointed on an annual basis by the Section Chair. The duties of the committee include: determining award eligibility requirements, developing criteria for submitting documentation, developing criteria for the review and selection process, soliciting nominations, reviewing nomination packages, and selecting the award recipients.

Article VI. Conferences and Meetings

  1. There shall be one (1) Section Conference and Section Business Meeting to be held annually in September or October, at a time to be designated by the host institution and approved by the Executive Committee.
  2. The schedule for the conference host institutions is provided below.

    2015 Zone III Conference

    2016 University of Manitoba

    2017 University of Minnesota

    2018 University of North Dakota

    2019 University of Wisconsin-Madison

    2020 Iowa State University

    2021 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

    2022 South Dakota State University

    2023 University of Wisconsin-Stout

    2024 Michigan Technological University

    2025 University of Wisconsin – Platteville

    2026 Marquette University, Milwaukee

    2027 Minnesota State University, Mankato

    2028 University of Minnesota-Duluth

    2029 St. Cloud State University

    2030 North Dakota State University

    2031 University of Iowa

    2032 Winona State University

    1. Host institutions shall be limited to those institutions with ABET accredited programs in engineering and/or engineering technology;
    2. Any institution which has not served as host must submit a written request to the Executive Committee indicating a desire to be included in the rotation schedule of those institutions.
    3. The current host institution shall appoint the Current Conference Program Chair and select a conference planning committee.
  3. The annual Section Business Meeting shall be included on the agenda at the annual Section Conferences.

Article VII. Amendments

  • The Bylaws of the Section can only be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Section membership in attendance at the annual Section Business Meeting. The Bylaws of the Section may also be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Section membership participating in an electronic survey, i.e., electronic vote.

Current Bylaws October 17, 2014